Concrete is the most consumed material in the world and is used for foundations of rotating or critical machinery. Bill Spitzer & Associates utilizes the HTC-5000 as a convenient concrete for critical foundations that allows epoxy grouting in 3 days to 7 days. This is accomplished by a high early compressive strength development and available anywhere in North America.
For this solution, our goal is to provide a unique concrete, which enables contractors, installers, engineers, or owners the ability to decrease weeks (20+ days) of idle or curing time. Furthermore, Bill Spitzer & Associates provides on-site technical assistance while manufacturing, placing, and curing the high early ready-mix concrete. Here is how we achieve that:
Concrete Formulation
The HTC-5000 is a proprietary and high early concrete, which is specifically formulated for any application that requires a quick turnaround and dimensional stability. Furthermore, the specialized concrete can be used for large skid filling as a replacement for non-shrink grout, new construction foundations, and large equipment restoration.
Due to the geographical area in which Bill Spitzer & Associates operates, we have the ability to adjust the concrete to the locally available raw materials in that area.
Generally, the concrete incorporates the advantages and benefits of different types of cementitious materials, aggregate sizes, low water to cement ratio (W/C), polycarboxylate technologies, and other type S admixtures. On average, ASTM C-39 tests typically range 2,000-4,000 psi in 24 hours, 4,000-6,000 psi in 3 days, and 6,000-8,000 psi in 7 days.
Project Management
Bill Spitzer & Associates takes hold of the project management for scheduling, trucking, batching, pouring, and placing of the unique concrete product. We can meet on-site, digitally, or by other means to assure site configuration, application, and success.
We perform a full-scale trial or test batch prior to the project to sharpen the HTC-5000 field performance.
On-Site Technical Guidance
Executing previously established plan and providing oversight during the entire project pour
Installing thermocouples to monitor concrete heat of hydration
HTC-5000 batching, spacing, placing, and pouring
Identification of site constraints and hurdles
Adapting to current weather conditions
Providing quality control measures and monitoring
Concrete field tests: Air, Slump, Unit Weight, and Temperature
Assuring batch tolerances are withing specification for predictable outcomes
Recommending field adjustments during production for proper HTC-5000 consistency
Constantly monitoring concrete
Communicating information to batch office, drivers, & contractor
Adjust timing & consistency of concrete
Examining thermocouple data for proper internal curing
Quality Control and Assurance Reporting
Confirm concrete curing procedures are implemented and progressing appropriately
Monitor strength gain for benchmarks to remove forms and progression of grouting installation
Provide HTC-5000 concrete performance report